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236 Kane Street / Brooklyn, NY 11231 / 718 875-1550

Yashir Ko’ach to our Homeless Shelter Volunteers

As every year, last month, for three weeks, members of our community volunteered with the Brooklyn Heights Synagogue Homeless Shelter, providing nutritious food and housing in a safe and dignified setting for ten homeless men. We extend a heartfelt Yashir Ko’ach to these volunteers for the many Mitzvot they fulfilled, including Kiddush HaShem, sanctifying the name and reputation of G-d, Torah and Israel by public acts of kindness and integrity.

Roy Alexander
Murray Sadofsky
David Grupper
David Klein
Rami Ezraty
Jamie Silverstein
Barat Ellman and Jay Golan
Susan Rifkin
Bob and Carla Cohen
Andre Schklowsky
Jeff Birnbaum
Providence Hogan
Ellen Shaw
Warren Haskel

Jenny Breznay
Jessica Schoengold
Roberta Weisbrod
Linda Blyer
Ariel Meyerstein
Julia Hirsch
Renee Rettig
Bronwen Haskel
Jody and Eric Steinhardt

We extend a special thanks, and welcome, to new Social Justice Committee Chair Bronwen Haskel

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Website photography: Paul Bernstein | Hank Gans | Rich Pomerantz | Harvey Wang |
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