We welcome our members and the wider community to celebrate and contemplate all of the Jewish holidays with us. To stay up to date with holiday services, ritual times, events and programs, subscribe to our mailing list at
Dates and times of holidays and services are also updated on our Kehilla Calendar
High Holy Days
For a full schedule of times and locations for the High Holy Days, please refer to the schedule of services, activities, and events. Main Services are held in the Sanctuary at Kane Street Synagogue. Our Family Services for children up to the age of 12 and their caregivers, as well as Teen Services for older kids, are held in the Community Room and the upper floors of the Goldman Educational Center.
On the evening before Rosh HaShanah, we gather with other Brooklyn synagogues to prepare ourselves for the Days of Awe.
Rosh HaShanah
Prayer services and discussion groups meet in the Sanctuary, Community Room and Chapel, offering a variety of programs for adults and children. The congregation gathers for Tashlikh services at the Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Kol Nidre
On the holiest night of the year, please plan to arrive at the Synagogue promptly after the fast begins. The doors of the Sanctuary remain closed during the solemn chanting of the Kol Nidre prayer. Late-comers are seated at the conclusion of the prayer.
Yom Kippur
Worship services on Yom Kippur, as with Rosh HaShanah, accommodates a diverse community. The schedule includes a Yizkor service and afternoon study session. We break our fast together with cake and OJ.
Prior to the holiday many hands help build and decorate our sweet-smelling sukkah. Join us for Sukkot services and for a week of festive meals. You may purchase your lulav and etrog through the office.
Hoshanna Rabbah
In our joyful service on the final day of Sukkot we march in seven processions around the Synagogue, sing and beat willow twigs on the Sanctuary floor to shake off the leaves. The leafless twigs are symbolic of our old selves that we shed through T’shuva (repentance).
Sh’mini Atzeret
The Morning Service includes Yizkor memorial prayers.
Simhat Torah
We express our joy for the Torah during high spirited evening services in the Sanctuary and out on Kane Street where the street is closed to traffic and we dance with our Torah Scrolls and enjoy refreshments.
Each night of hanukah a group gathers around our brass menorah to light the candles. Our Hebrew School students and Kane Street Kids preschoolers enjoy meals with latkes and donuts and play dreidel games, and the Congregation gathers on Shabbat for dinner.
Tu B’Shevat
We teach our students about the New Year for Trees by eating a new piece of fruit on this day, planting trees and collecting money for the trees in Israel.
Two Megillah readings are held on the night of Purim. Our Purim celebration in the Sanctuary is a boisterous and very child-friendly affair where costumed merry-makers drone out Haman’s name with a vengeance. The “quiet” Megillah reading in the Chapel attracts a crowd who manages to enjoy the cacophony of assorted noise-makers and actually listens to the Purim story. Purim at Kane Street is not to be missed!
Passover / Pesah
Kane Street prepares for Pesah by cleaning the Synagogue’s kitchen, arranging for the sale of hametz, distributing Passover food orders and matching Seder guests with hosts for home hospitality. Here are some special supplements and readings for your Passover Seders this year.
Yom HaShoah
Kane Streeters join together with other synagogues in the Brooklyn Brownstone Community in an annual Holocaust Commemorative program. The event is held at a different synagogue each year. The evening is always inspirational.
Yom Ha’atz’ma’ut
Our Israel Independence Day programs commemorating the founding of the modern State of Israel vary from year to year. The program begins with a special Ma’ariv evening service, prayers of remembrance for fallen soldiers and civilians, Israeli songs led by Joey Weisenberg and Kane Street members, and a light Israeli dinner. Many Kane Streeters show their support for Israel by attending the Israeli Day parade on Fifth Avenue.
To honor the sacred gift of Torah, Kane Street begins the two-day Shavuot holiday with an evening Tikkun, a study session. Typically, on the first evening of the holiday, we will join other synagogues and independent communities at the “Shavuot Across Brooklyn” Tikkun hosted by one of the participating Congregations. Morning services will be held at Kane Street on the first and second mornings. On the second morning, Yizkor memorial prayers are also included.
Tisha B’Av
We remember the destruction of the first two Temples and other tragedies with evening services in the Community Room. As a sign of mourning, we sit on the floor of the darkened room. Using flashlights to read the text, we sing the Kinot and chant the Book of Eihah.