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236 Kane Street / Brooklyn, NY 11231 / 718 875-1550

B’nei Mitzvah

At Kane Street we take the occasion of becoming B’nei Mitzvah very seriously, and equally celebrate it with great joy.

Children are taught about the meaning of the Mitzvot (commandments), about social responsibility, and about the religious services and rituals of Judaism. Prior to the B’nei Mitzvah celebration they fulfill educational requirements and participate in Tzedakah projects. During the service they may lead by chanting parts of the Torah, Haftarah and Shabbat morning service, and by delivering a D’var Torah—an original teaching—before the Congregation. The Sanctuary is alive with support and encouragement, not just from their family and close friends, but from the entire community who join to celebrate.

Specific preparation for Torah and Haftarah fluency occurs mostly during the year before the child’s celebration. Students generally meet with a tutor to learn the Haftarah and Torah Cantillation and other parts of the service, and meet with the Rabbi to contemplate and analyze their Parashah, and write a D’var Torah. At times, students meet with their parents to learn about the meaning of Mitzvah, covenant and rituals such as Tallit and Tefillin, and to develop their service projects, which include volunteering their time and donating part of their gifts to charitable causes.

| Content ©2008-2024 Kane Street Synagogue | Website by Springthistle
Website photography: Paul Bernstein | Hank Gans | Rich Pomerantz | Harvey Wang |
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