Brave Girl – The Musical
In October 2019, Kane Street’s Hebrew School offered an extra-curricular elective: “Build Your Own Jewish Musical!”
An intrepid group of 4th and 5th Graders embarked on a creative musical journey with their Hebrew School music teacher/impresario, Landon Braveman to create “Brave Girl”, a new original musical (based on the book by Michelle Markel).
This is the story of Clara Lemlich, who came to America’s Golden Door, to find liberty and a better life. Clara immigrated with her family to the United States from Ukraine in 1902 at age 16. Poor and desperate, she worked in the sweatshops. But she did not stay quiet under the deplorable conditions. The musical brings a message of idealism, big dreams dashed, resilience, and triumph against huge odds and tremendous courage.
It is a message for 2020. It is a message to savor.
After an interruption in their creative process, due to the 2020 global pandemic, the group reassembled on Zoom, to continue writing, rehearsing, and recording the production, which was premiered at an online “Hosted Havdalah” on November 23, 2020. Enjoy!
“Brave Girl – The Musical” was written by, and starring:
Ariel Mikics
Alice Poliner
Madeleine Pollock
Yaniv Robinson
Tallulah Tamman
Lily Westrom
Landon Braverman
with thanks to Rabbi Val Lieber, and the families of all the creators!