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Trends in Conservative Judaism

Articles to Inform our Discussion

The first two links are from the 214 page Pew portrait of Judaism from 2013–the overview and chapter 3 are most apropos to our topic.
Link 2 from NYT review of 5 books speculating on the future of American Judaism.
The last 6 links more specifically address challenges faced by conservative Jewry.

  1. Pew Research Center – A Portrait of Jewish Americans. In particular, please read Chapter 3.
  2. New York Times – American Jews Face a Choice: Create Meaning or Fade Away
    Five new books touch on American Jewish identity and what will sustain it into the future.
  3. Brandeis Now – What’s the future of American Judaism?
  4. Arutz Sheva / Israel National News – Witnessing 65 years of the decline of Conservative Judaism
  5. AICE Jewish Virtual Library – The State of Conservative Judaism Today
  6. Commentary Magazine – Saving Conservative Judaism
  7. Tablet Magazine – Why Social Justice is Killing Synagogues and Churches
  8. The Forward – Conservative Judaism’s Problem? It’s Too Conservative.
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Website photography: Paul Bernstein | Hank Gans | Rich Pomerantz | Harvey Wang |
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