Lunchtime Learning: Tales of Jewish Sudan
with Daisy Abboudi
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Watch the recording of the livestreamed presentation and Q&A below.
As we have done in the past several years, to observe November 30 — “The Day to Mark the Departure and Expulsion of Jews from the Arab Countries and Iran” (Yom l-Tziyon HaYetziah V‘HaGerush Shel HaYehudim M‘Artzot Erev Um‘Iran), as established by the Israeli Knesset in 2014 — we have a guest speaker after services next Shabbat (Nov. 28, at approximately 11:00am) who will speak about the history, culture, and food of Jewish Sudan.
Daisy Abboudi, addressing our congregation from the UK, will speak about the Sephardic community’s history in Sudan, other North African and Middle Eastern countries, and their subsequent diaspora around the world in the 1950s and ‘60s.
In research for her website Tales of Jewish Sudan, in preparation her forthcoming book of the same title, and in her work with Sephardi Voices UK, she records and recounts the memories of Jewish families that settled in and around Khartoum in the late 19th and early 20th Century, as well as those who lived throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and Iran.
Also, in honor of the Holiday, Cantor Sarah included in Friday night and Shabbat morning services musical modalities of Jewish communities from Arab countries and Iran.