Board Election Procedure
- At least 60 days prior to the date set for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation, a Nominating Committee consisting of not less than three members shall be appointed by the President, subject to the approval of the Board. The President promptly shall advise the members of the Congregation of the appointment of the Nominating Committee, either in the Congregational newspaper or by letter. Thereafter, any member may nominate themselves, or may be nominated by any other member (accompanied by a written acceptance by the nominee), in a letter directed to the President and received at the Synagogue within the time set forth in the notice from the President (which shall be not less than 14 days after the notice is sent to the members). No nominations shall be made or accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
- The sole eligibility requirement for nomination as a Trustee or officer shall be membership in good standing for two consecutive years prior to the Annual Meeting.
- The Nominating Committee shall be charged to seek out and recommend to the Board proposed Trustees to fill the existing vacancies and expiring terms and nominees for each elective office of the Congregation. The nominating Committee, in addition to directly eliciting nominees, shall establish appropriate procedures to receive recommendations from the membership at large, which may include open meetings and solicitation by the Congregational newspaper or personal letter. The Committee shall complete its task for submission to a meeting of the Board of Trustees to be held at least 40 day prior to the Annual Meeting.
- The Board shall consider the Committee’s recommendation, which it may approve in whole or in part, and the Board may add or substitute nominees approved by it. The Board shall give notice to the Congregants of the nominees recommended by the Board and all other nominees. Such notice shall be given not less than 20 days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. Such notice will include an official proxy ballot, which will designate the President or any Vice President as proxy to vote for the Board’s nominees, with further space to designate another member as a congregant’s proxy to vote for nominees other than the Board’s nominees. To be voted at the Annual Meeting, proxies must be presented at the commencement of the Annual Meeting for the purposes of determining presence of a quorum.
- Membership eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting, in person or by proxy, shall consist only of members in good standing on the date on which the last notice of meeting is given by the Board.
- A person may not be nominated for more than one office.
- Voting shall be by written ballot. Cumulative voting shall not be permitted.
- If there are vacancies in the Board for terms which are not identical which may include vacancies created by resignation or removal prior to expiration of a full term, a procedure will be established for determining how those elected to the positions will be assigned to the different terms.