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236 Kane Street / Brooklyn, NY 11231 / 718 875-1550

Yom Kippur at Kane Street

Click here for the schedule of services

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Please contribute to our annual Kol Nidre Appeal!

Tickets and member registrations for Yom Kippur are currently suspended, due to overwhelming demand.

Coming Up at Kane Street

  • Fri, Oct.11,
    Erev Yom Kippurmore…

  • Sat, Oct.12,
    Yom Kippurmore…

  • Mon, Oct.14 | 7:45am - 8:45am,
    Morning Minyan @ Kane Street!more…

  • Tue, Oct.15 | 11:00am - 12:00pm,
    Babies & Bagelsmore…

  • Tue, Oct.15 | 7:00pm - 9:00pm,
    KSS Board Meetingmore…

  • Wed, Oct.16,
    Erev Sukkotmore…

A Prayer for those in Captivity

The One who blessed our forefathers…
may they bless and safeguard and preserve the captives
among their brethren in the House of Israel in trouble and captivity.
In the merit of the prayers of this holy assemblage who pray for them,
may the blessed Holy One shower compassion over them,
and deliver them from darkness and strife, remove their bondage,
deliver them from their afflictions,
and return them speedily to their families.

| Content ©2008-2024 Kane Street Synagogue | Website by Springthistle
Website photography: Paul Bernstein | Hank Gans | Rich Pomerantz | Harvey Wang |
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